Monday, September 3, 2012

getting closer.

well shoot. you have another cold sore.  it seems like it's really hurting you today.  i'm sorry buddy. i wish i could make things better.  long story short- the few pictures i did get of you today just don't show your precious personality.  ugh.

you are seven months old. that's closer to a year than a newborn. i don't like that one bit! you are really becoming quite the little man.  you have obvious likes and even more obvious dislikes.  i don't know where you could have gotten that from. ;)

you LOVE big boy food.  you are doing such a good job eating!  you seem to like sweet potatoes the best. me too. yum.

you think The Backyardigans is the best show ever.  if you hear the theme song you just laugh and smile and kick and play. 

did i mention you know how to clap your hands!? eek! it's the cutest thing ever! you have a song we sing.  when you clap, we sing. clap, sing, clap sing.  over and over. i love your games.

you say DADADADA all the time.  i'll admit i'm a little sad you don't say mama yet, but hearing you talk to daddy is my favorite thing ever.  sometimes you look at me and say "dada" and then giggle. it's not nice to tease.

you have favorite toys.  i think it's so neat that you have preferences.  you always choose your football over stuffed animals and rattles over quiet toys. 

you are constantly rolling to get where you want to go.  i think you'll be crawling any day now.  yikes. we have lots of baby proofing to do around here. 

as soon as we get you out of the tub you start screaming. after bath time is getting dressed time. you do not like getting dressed. or undressed. ha. you get pretty upset when it's time to put on 'jamas. as soon as they are on, though, daddy gives you your night time bottle and you fall right asleep.  you LOVE sleeping! yay! you started sleeping through the night about two weeks ago. we are all much more cheerful around this house when we've slept all night. ;)

we are blessed. thanks for being such a big, sweet boy!

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