floor time- it's funny. you hate tummy time. it makes you mad. it seems like you know it's necessary though. we come in your room just the three of us and we practice all of your tricks. you roll from your back to side and almost belly. you sit up (all by yourself!) for thirty seconds. you reach for toys and move them from one hand to another. you stand up holding onto things, mostly your daddy's back. you sing at us and holler. we pretend like we know what you say. daddy usually dozes off and i sit and stare at the two of you. we sometimes read a book, sometimes bounce in your johnny jump up, but always ALWAYS smile at your progress. after about an hour or so, you let us know it's time for your next activity.
bath time- you love to be naked. as naked as a jaybird, really. ha. when i take off your diaper you immediately start smiling and kicking your legs so fast. when you hear the bath water, it's like you know what's coming ahead. you have to have your washcloth handy to suck on during your bath. if it falls out of your mouth, a sure disapproving shriek is ahead. you are pretty good about letting me wash your hair and bobo and all that, but when it comes time to wash your hands you yell at me. well sorry buddy... necessity. daddy always gets you out of the tub and you laugh at the baby in the mirror. then you start to get upset- we don't really know why- but it's part of your routine. when we get you snuggly in some (size 12-18 month!!!) pajamas and get you a fresh blanky (blankies probably deserve their own post. yikes. i think you may go to college with one) it's time for your last bottle of the night. you are drinking about seven ounces these days... sometimes every two hours during the day. let's outgrow that habit.... you have also decided you don't like naps. well sorry, sir, but i love naps... so can you try your hardest to get back in that groove? i guess it's okay since you usually sleep at night and wake up once or twice for a bottle. phew. you exhaust me. it's the happiest sleepy i've ever been. happy five months my sweet prince.
you are quite enthralled in your bouncy bounce. look at that drool. how embarrassing.
almost crawling! what!?
one of your blankets from joycee. talk about a treasured item. whoa.
oh dear. you've found your toes. i suppose they are almost as dear to you as your ring or your blanky.
those lips. good grief i am in love.
love you,
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