mother's day this year was so cool. our church had baby dedication on mother's day. at first i was a little annoyed, because i was planning to go to nana's church and spend the day with her, but instead we had baby dedication. i feel bad now for being irritated because it turned out to be amazing. it was a great day. you were (obviously) the cutest baby in the service and honestly, you were the best behaved. yes!
the reason i even really tell you about that special sunday is not because we promised God we'd raise you up in the way you should go. as important and wonderful as that is, the reason i'm telling you about it is because i finally get it. i get what motherhood is. i get why everyone says you don't understand love until you have a baby. i get how much my mom loves me and i finally (i think anyway) think i get how much God loves us. whoa. talk about a wake-me-up moment.
you are half me. that's pretty cool. every little thing that makes you, you is because you are my son. i am your mom. your heart shaped face- yeah that's from me. your thunder thighs- sorry- those are from me too. your button nose- i think anyway- is from me. but even your non-physical traits are influenced and shaped by me.
the job of being a mom is pretty big stuff. not only am i supposed to keep you fed, clean, happy, clothed and all that jazz, but also i'm in charge of making sure you know values. i have to make sure you know what's important. shoe lace tying, bike riding, potty peeing, woman treating, spiritual growing- WHOA. those are all my responsibilities. i pray that you will grow up and know God's love. i hope you will accept the gift of salvation at an early age, because the rewards are incredible. mother's day used to just be a day for me to recognize nana and maybe buy her a new coffee pot. now it's just one more reminder of God's love. He loves us SO much He gave us His Son as a sacrifice. yikes. that's some serious love.
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