Saturday, June 16, 2012

dinosaur boy

 See, I was hoping your nasty little cold sore would be gone by the time I took pictures.... but ya know, it's something that happened while you were four months old.  Why try to forget it? 

so now that you're an old four month old baby, you're pretty much a big deal. you are officially wearing size THREE diapers. me oh my. you wear nine month clothes because you weigh 17 (almost 18!) pounds! we decided maybe it was time for big boy foods. so far you've had rice cereal- which you don't really care for- squash and bananas. at first you weren't really sure about the whole idea, but now you LOVE eating from a spoon. you lunge toward me when i have a spoon in my hands. pretty clever. your development is amazing to watch. You are full of smiles and giggles these days. you found your voice and make lots of noises. our favorite is your dinosaur shriek. it sounds just like a baby dinosaur would (or at least what i think one would sound like). you think your doggies are the funniest things you've ever seen. i think you prefer tank (so do we.... petey is a nutcase). when they wrestle around you just laugh and laugh.    you are also in love with blowing bubbles with your mouth. i think you would do it for hours at a time if you didn't have to take breaks to eat, poop, and cry for no reason at all. you've gotten much better at sleeping and actually start out in your big boy bed every night about 8:45. dad and i really appreciate it... we LOVE going to be early. :) tummy time is not your favorite thing, but you sure are strong when we put you down. i swear you'll be crawling any day now. you also know how to roll over but much prefer to whine until we flip you on your back ourselves. i'm a little scared you've become spoiled... but i prefer not to think about it.

yum..... cereal?

 As soon as Daddy walks in, you are full of smiles!

 This is mid bubble blowing I think.  It's your new favorite trick. ;)

Strangers always comment on your eye brows. Now I know why.

We call the noise you were making during this picture, the pterodactyl.  It's quite loud. 

You are growing up so quickly, jaybird

love you,

Sunday, June 3, 2012

serious love

mother's day this year was so cool.  our church had baby dedication on mother's day.  at first i was a little annoyed, because i was planning to go to nana's church and spend the day with her, but instead we had baby dedication. i feel bad now for being irritated because it turned out to be amazing.  it was a great day.  you were (obviously) the cutest baby in the service and honestly, you were the best behaved. yes!

the reason i even really tell you about that special sunday is not because we promised God we'd raise you up in the way you should go.  as important and wonderful as that is, the reason i'm telling you about it is because i finally get it.  i get what motherhood is.  i get why everyone says you don't understand love until you have a baby.  i get how much my mom loves me and i finally (i think anyway) think i get how much God loves us.  whoa. talk about a wake-me-up moment.

you are half me.  that's pretty cool.  every little thing that makes you, you is because you are my son. i am your mom.  your heart shaped face- yeah that's from me.  your thunder thighs- sorry- those are from me too.  your button nose- i think anyway- is from me.  but even your non-physical traits are influenced and shaped by me. 

the job of being a mom is pretty big stuff.  not only am i supposed to keep you fed, clean, happy, clothed and all that jazz, but also i'm in charge of making sure you know values.  i have to make sure you know what's important.  shoe lace tying, bike riding, potty peeing, woman treating, spiritual growing- WHOA.  those are all my responsibilities.  i pray that you will grow up and know God's love.  i hope you will accept the gift of salvation at an early age, because the rewards are incredible.  mother's day used to just be a day for me to recognize nana and maybe buy her a new coffee pot.  now it's just one more reminder of God's love.  He loves us SO much He gave us His Son as a sacrifice.  yikes. that's some serious love.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


have i told you lately how much i love being your mom?  you are so interested in life, it makes my heart smile.  i have a feeling you're going to be very independent and pretty curious.  crazy that at four months i can already tell, right?  four months... whoa. when did that happen? you've actually  been four months for quite a little while, but we have had some serious drama at our house lately- let me just fill you in.

so two weeks ago your dad and i went to a banquet and left you with nany and pop.  nanny called me and said what we thought was a mosquito bite was a full on rash of sorts on your cheek.  being the ocd/control freak/obsessive person i am, of course, we went straight to the doctor... on a saturday.  that doctor said it was some sort of a bacterial infection, gave us an anti-biotic and said it would clear up immediately.  well after three days when it was worse and i started calling you my leper baby, we went back to the doctor got new antibiotics which again, did nothing. we went to a different prima-care type place and got even more medicine and still it grew, you looked like a cheetah and i felt like a failure.  after visiting the dermatologist, we found out it was a cold sore the whole time.  this of course made me feel like a total dweeb.  gross. where on earth?  how? apparently this nasty virus is everywhere, all the time.  i still feel sad about it but the doctor PROMISES me that if (when) you get it again we can get you right medicine and it won't take your face prisoner again.  hhhhh.

i say all that to tell you i haven't taken any pictures of you with your oh-so-cute four month sign.  grr.  i also haven't taken hardly any pictures minus the ones on my iPhone which are just pathetic.  this whole being a working mom thing totally stinks.  but.... guess what!? are you ready? 

SCHOOL'S OUT FOR THE SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we get to play all day for the next couple of months. yay! we are going to party. so for now, i can't worry about your scabby little face.  i will be harrassing you with the camera SO soon.  i know you're excited.