Friday, March 30, 2012

two months

i can't believe it's already time to write your two month post. i'm actually already a week behind! you certainly are a BIG boy! at your last doctor visit, they said you weigh 12 pounds 6 ounces and are 24 1/2 inches long. whoa. you are eating about 6 ounces at a time every three or so hours, but sometimes you prefer to have little snacks throughout the day. it's pretty exhausting when you play that game. you are working SO hard to hold your head up. you've pretty much mastered it. you also LOVE to be propped up to sit.  i think you like watching everything going on around you.  my "books" say you should be smiling by the end of this month- but once again you are ahead of the game.  you are FULL of smiles. i can't tell you how sweet it is to see you smile at me. it's like your way of telling me "mom i love you- you're doing a great job!" you are starting to make lots of baby noises. you goo and gaa and LOVE to hear your own voice.  we often mimic each other. that keeps you satisfied for a long time.  you still like riding in the car but get pretty frustrated if we stop moving.  something tells me you'll be quite the busy toddler. you are officially wearing size two diapers and 3-6 month clothes. i've been packing away clothes as you outgrow them. we have two boxes filled to bursting.  it makes me pretty sad to put things away... just a tangible reminder of how big you are getting and how fast you will grow up. i'm not doing well with this whole thing. you have already changed so much. i want to soak up every little thing you do. every face you make, every outfit you wear.... that sounds silly, but every moment with you m akes me want to just sit and watch every move you make! i know i can't do that, so i've been doing my best to keep up with it all through pictures. these were taken over a few days recently--