i've sat down to update this thing a zillion times but we are so busy these days i rarely have the time to write more than a sentence. we aren't busy as in going places. we are busy as in eating, sleeping, pooping, peeing, spitting up, changing clothes, pooping again, crying, and starting all over to eat again. i wanted this blog to be perfect. i wanted the words to be carefully chosen, well written and thoughtful. i've now decided to just let things being "alright" be okay.
i am taking pictures like a mad woman but i never sit down to upload them, print them, share them, post them or do much of anything except let them collect on my camera. hm. i'll have to change that.
we've been to the doctor twice and she says you're doing great! the cardiologist released you, and, in fact, told me to never bring you back again. when you were born and we heard about your miracle they told us your heart would be assymetrical and the wall between your ventricles would be thin. at your last appointment, your heart shows NO signs of defects. God didn't just heal your heart- he perfected it! WOW!
you are eating every 2-3 hours. i can't keep up with you so we started giving you formula when you want it, which is pretty often. i think you got your eating habits from me. i always choose to graze throughout the day. snacks? yes please! you are a LOUD eater. you groan and mmm and slurp. those noises are just TOO sweet! you are also a LOUD tooter. you make dad and me laugh out loud all the time with your gas.
sometimes i catch you smiling. everyone says that's just from gas but i choose to think otherwise. you little gummy crooked smile is precious. you've also learned how to frown. it breaks my heart. i think i'd stand on my head if i thought you'd stop frowning.
you wear 0-3 months mostly. you are so long and have such long legs we need 0-3 for length but your belly is so skinny your pants won't stay up. that, you did not inherit from me. ;)
you LOVE your daddy and you LOVE tummy time. when you have the two of them together- you are in heaven. when i see the two of you together- my heart melts. more on that another day.
sleeping is something you're quite particular about. you prefer to sleep on your tummy- which is the least safe of all sleeping positions. you also prefer to sleep on your mommy- which is the least convenient of all sleeping locations. i love cuddling with you and have decided to be thankful for such a cuddle bug instead of being upset that you refuse to sleep anywhere else.
being your mom is a blessing. i've learned to let the dishes sit in the sink, watch the laundry grow into a mound instead of a pile and let my hair go an extra day between washings. living in the moment and soaking up every memory is life these days. i wouldn't have it any other way.
i love you little man.