Friday, January 27, 2012

One "Rucky" Dragon

being obviously pregnant is kind of fun- people ask you when you're due and you just feel so.... well.... i felt great knowing people knew the basketball in my stomach was a baby not just (completely) because of over indulgence in cotton candy ice cream. so i had gone to get a pedicure and the sweet asian nail lady asked me about you. when i told her you were being induced on the 23rd, she smiled SO big and told me you were going to be one "rucky" (translation: lucky) boy! not realizing your birthday was the first day of the chinese new year, and the year of the dragon at that, i had no idea you were considered lucky. in fact, i remember thinking to myself how wrong she was knowing your little heart would be in need of surgery so quickly on your supposed rucky dragon birthday. the whole story is pretty funny really- and I ended up with possibly the ugliest, cheapest pedicure i've ever received. i left the place laughing at my toes, your ruck, and the day in general.
Apparently rucky dragon baby mamas need firework/flower power design for you honey (to make you look so pretty)
PS you did NOT inherit my ugly second toe. PHEW!
so anyway, your birthday came and we found out that you ARE in fact a really really rucky dragon! what i had expected to be some of the worst news i'd ever received from a doctor quickly became the one of the most emotional, humbling, praising, moments of perfection i will never forget. ever.
i really need to sit down and write about the exact moment we found out about your heart but i wouldn't even know where to begin. would i start with your cardiologist's surprise and amazement? some of the only tears, in nearly a decade together, i've ever seen your daddy cry? my overwhelming sense of relief? getting to tell everyone all at once about the miracle? perhaps our family standing in the delivery room praising God through prayer, praise and thanksgiving? it's something i couldn't begin to describe even if i was an eloquent, wonderful writer.
i started this blog to tell you your story, but your story has made you pretty much famous by now. at the hospital you were known as the miracle baby. doctors and nurses made special trips to our room just to meet you. i've received messages, emails, phone calls and more not only congratulating me on having a baby but telling me that your story has restored people's faith in miracles. so often we only talk to God when we need His help, we fail to notice Him and appreciate Him during times of joy.
let me tell you, miracle boy, you are a rucky dragon we praise God for every day!
love you-

Friday, January 13, 2012

drama IS your mama

my dad has always called me a drama queen-pregnancy sure hasn't helped my case.
we spent new year's eve in the labor and delivery section of our hospital because i was convinced i was dying. yep thought i was on my death bed in pain. what started out as a fun night at nana and pawpaw's quickly became the ultimate jaymie drama fest 2011. it was one for the record books, sweet boy. i got poked and prodded for hours. i had a sonogram. i got a catheter (OUCH). i had blood drawn (THREE times). my gallbladder was checked. my kidneys were poked. finally around 5 am, the doctor decided i was just fine. yep. perfect bill of health. how embarrassing..... he said you're just a big boy and you likely pulled some muscles of mine making it next to impossible to sit/stand/lay/wallow/breathe/live comfortably. such a proud moment of my life. so yeah sure, i am quite the dramatic person, but the pain you've put me through certainly warranted that response. you better plan on being a perfect teenager mister.

i'm sitting in my classroom- avoiding the countless papers that need to be graded- because i just can't get you off my mind. the past few weeks have been quite emotional for me. i constantly ping pong between feeling blessed for the information that i do have about your heart and annoyed that this mess is happening to us. in fact, i've found myself in a pretty foul mood quite frequently lately. i like to blame it on the last weeks of pregnancy dragging on, but i know it's really a woe-is-me, life's-not-fair, whiney-brat attitude.

when i came back to school after our oh so adventurous break, i decided to tell all my students what was going on. living and growing up in a small town can certainly be a pain, but we are certainly blessed to have a community that cares! they are all so worried about you. so many of my kids at school ask me daily how you're doing. they want updates on you, on me, on our doctors and daddy. i think it's pretty neat you're so famous with 7th graders. we've received countless phone calls, emails, text messages and notes of encouragement. just this afternoon someone came by my room to let me know you are being prayed for. she said she stayed up one night throughout the night just praising God for you and thanking Him for giving me you. WOW. this lady isn't like my best friend or anything. i have her sweet daughter in class and have only talked to her once or twice all year. she's just someone who heard your sweet name and knows you need to be wrapped up in prayer like a warm blanket. i just love to talk to people with a faith like that. i want that. i want to be so broken for other people and overhwhelmed with love for others that i can't fall asleep without talking to God about all He does for us. who would have known that through such a seemingly tragic time, i would learn about myself.

if i'm being completely honest, i have a hard time some days praying for you. when i really get to talking to God about our situation i get so upset and nervous i find myself sobbing. that lady coming in my classroom was just what i needed today. she gave me a scripture which seems to fit us just perfectly.

"I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I WILL heal you." 2 Kings 20:5
Let's keep praying for a miracle sweet boy!

i love you